
Brazil is one of the largest markets for Norwegian clipfish. On this page you can read about our work in Brazil, e.g. our activities in 2024, the latest statistics and more.

The Brazilian seafood market

In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the Norwegian Seafood Council's operations are led by Randi Bolstad, our seafood representative, in collaboration with Karina Exner Ribeiro Mendes, our market advisor.

Brazil holds a prominent position in Norwegian seafood exports, especially within the clipfish sector, ranking as the second-largest clipfish market for Norway. Its influence has significantly shaped the industry's trajectory, despite recent challenges in market access. However, proactive measures are underway to surmount these obstacles, paving the way for potential market expansion.

The Brazilian seafood market boasts diverse species and has witnessed fluctuations in per capita consumption. Norwegian clipfish maintains its dominance, accounting for a substantial market share, with Norway exporting 15 thousand tons of clipfish in 2022. Meanwhile, the bacalhau segment, centered on cod, exhibits distinct consumption patterns. Despite its premium status, bacalhau consumption per capita has experienced a slight decline, offering opportunities for growth and increased market awareness.

In a competitive landscape shared with Portugal, a well-defined market strategy, particularly for traditional and high-end segments, becomes crucial. Norwegian exporters are actively involved in this dynamic market, displaying promising indicators with a growing interest in desalted products and increased purchasing power.

The Norwegian Seafood Council is diligently working to enhance market access. This involves initiatives such as updating listings in DIPOA, streamlining information flow between authorities, and aiding exporters in fortifying their presence within the market. Randi Bolstad is optimistic about the region and states “It's an area that requires continuous work, but I believe in expanded market opportunities in the future in Brazil.

Conferences and seminars

Conferences and seminars

Conferences and seminars

São Paulo, Brazil

As Brazil is one of the most important markets for salted and dried fish, we are also taking the the well-established seminar "O futuro do Bacalhau" to Brazil this year. If you need an update on the Brazilian seafood market, you should join us for this popular seminar this time in São Paulo, Brazil on the 22nd of October 2024. 

See all conferences and seminars


Norwegian exports of seafood to Brazil


Check out our marketing tools for Brazil

Market activities clipfish 2024

Download our market actitivity plan for clipfish 2024

Activity plan clipfish 2024

Market access

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    All Norwegian seafood exporters need to be registered at the Norwegian seafood council

    Exporters can register via our website. The estimated time to process the application is around 1 week from the day of the application.

    Fill out the form


    The Norwegian Seafood Council's office in Brazil is located in Rio de Janeiro. Øystein Valanes is responsible for the Brazilian office. Our marketing advisor in Brazil is Karina Exner Ribeiro Mendes.

    Visit our consumer-oriented web page for Brazil:

    Rua Lauro Muller, 116/salas 2206 e 2207 
    22290-160 Rio de Janeiro - RJ

    +55 (21) 97 55 12 711