Team Norway, with Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Embassy, and the Norwegian Seafood Council, will together represent Norwegian interests at the TuttoFood food fair in Milan.

The fair is aimed at professional players within the food and drink industry, and the previous fair had 83,000 visitors and 2,500 exhibitors. This is one of the most important meeting places for the seafood sector in Italy. Importers, manufacturers, wholesalers, grocery chains and restaurant owners make up the largest proportion of visitors. 

Norwegian seafood products are promoted at the Norwegian stand in Hall 7, and our Team Norway partner, Innovation Norway, organizes the stand. If your company wants to participate, please contact project manager Emanuela Teani as soon as possible.   


NB! TuttoFood is the same week as the seafood fair in Barcelona. For some we know that this can make participation challenging, but TuttoFood starts on Monday so it can be combined if you want to participate both places. In any case, we encourage you to contact Innovation Norway to hear how your company can be profiled, with or without physical participation. 

Feel free to put Jennifer Mazzilli (Norwegian Seafood Council), in Cc.