
Spain is a large market for Norwegian seafood exports. On this page you can find more information about our work in Spain, e.g. our activities in 2024, the latest statistics and more.

The spanish seafood market

The Spanish seafood market serves as a crucial hub for various seafood categories, notably influencing the trade of Norwegian salmon, salted cod, and whitefish. With a market size of 1.9 million tons for all seafood and a per capita consumption of 40 kg, Spain stands as the second-largest seafood market in Europe. The Norwegian Seafood Council's office in Spain is located in Madrid. Our seafood envoy in Spain is Tore Holvik, working alongside market advisor Maria Gonzalez.

The salmon segment has seen remarkable growth, with a surge of 19% in recent years, reaching over 115 000 tons. Norwegian salmon has secured a dominant share of 90% in this market, even amid reduced home consumption, indicating evolving consumer trends, including an upswing in out-of-home consumption, particularly driven by the rising popularity of raw salmon dishes such as Poke. The market outlook remains optimistic, with evolving retail strategies such as reduced reliance on traditional fish counters by retail giants like Mercadona.

In the realm of salted cod, within Spain's 1.9 million tons of overall seafood consumption, Norwegian seafood exports contribute 8%. The cod segment totals 143,000 tons in consumption, experiencing a shift toward out-of-home consumption while witnessing a decline in home consumption. Although Norwegian salted cod is in a stable market, distribution hurdles pose challenges, especially in meeting changing consumer preferences that favor a whiter cod, particularly among younger consumers. Leveraging Norway's esteemed reputation for quality and tradition while overcoming distribution challenges is critical for solidifying the market position.

The whitefish market, covering fresh cod, Skrei, and saithe, forms an essential part of Norwegian seafood exports to Spain. Despite being the second-largest seafood market in Europe, the market shows a decline due to reduced home consumption. In the cod segment, Norwegian fresh cod dominates the market but experiences a shift from traditional fish counters to value-added products, signaling potential challenges. However, leveraging Skrei's unique position, maintaining a constant market presence, and ensuring a 12-month supply of cod varieties could be key strategies to fuel further growth in this segment. The evolving landscape in Spain offers both challenges and opportunities, reflecting changing consumer habits and market dynamics, which Norway could harness for long-term success in the Spanish whitefish market.

Conferences and seminars

Conferences and seminars

Conferences and seminars


In 2025, as in previous years, we will be organising a seafood seminar in Barcelona in connection with the Seafood Global Expo.

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    All Norwegian seafood exporters need to be registered at the Norwegian seafood council

    Exporters can register via our website. The estimated time to process the application is around 1 week from the day of the application.

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    The Norwegian Seafood Council's office in Spain is located in Madrid. The director in Spain is Tore Holvik.


    Our marketing advisor in Spain is Maria Gonzales.


    Visit our consumer-oriented web page for Spain:

    Consejo de Productos del mar de Noruega

    Real Embajada de Noruega

    Torre Europa

    Pº de la Castellana, 95, planta 13, módulo A

    28046 Madrid

    +34 669 498 560