The value of Norwegian
seafood exports in September totalled NOK 6 billion, an increase of NOK 792
million, or 15 per cent, compared to September of last year.To date,
Norwegian seafood exports have totalled NOK 48.5 billion, an increase of NOK
6.7 billion, or 16 per cent, compared to the same period last year. test
"Total exports of Norwegian seafood continue to increase through the third quarter of the year. This growth is ongoing in spite of the ban on imports to Russia, but it is still too early to make any conclusions as to the effect of the fact that we have lost our biggest market,” says Christian Chramer, Communications Manager at the Norwegian Seafood Council. "All the same, we see that the growth in global demand and the ability of Norwegian companies and their customers to adapt have contributed to limiting the damage,” adds Chramer.
Growth in exports of Norwegian salmon
The value of exports of Norwegian salmon in September totalled NOK 3.5 billion. This is an increase of NOK 232 million, or 7 per cent, compared to the same period last year. To date, Norwegian salmon exports have totalled NOK 31.9 billion, up NOK 4.7 billion, or 17 per cent, compared to the same period last year.
The average price for fresh whole Norwegian salmon in September was NOK 34.85, compared to NOK 33.48 last September.
Herring down, mackerel up
Herring exports fell in value in September by NOK 33 million, or 17 per cent, to a total value of NOK 161 million. To date, total exports of herring have totalled NOK 1.8 billion. This is a decrease of NOK 139 million compared to the same period last year.
Mackerel exports were up in September by NOK 393 million, to a total of NOK 730 million. This is an increase of 117 per cent compared to September of last year. Exports of mackerel to date have increased by NOK 651 million to a total of NOK 1.7 billion compared to the same period last year.
Clipfish up, salted fish down
Exports of clipfish increased in value in September by NOK 49 million, to a total value of NOK 455 million. This figure breaks down into NOK 251 million for cod, NOK 154 million for saithe and the remaining amount for ling, cusk and other white fish.
Exports of salted fish, including fillets, fell by NOK 9 million in September, to a total export value of NOK 31 million, of which NOK 28 million was accounted for by cod exports.
Growth in exports of fresh and frozen Norwegian cod
Exports of fresh Norwegian cod from fishing, including fillets, increased in September by NOK 2 million, to a total export value of NOK 44 million. Exports of frozen cod, including fillets, increased in September by NOK 78 million, to a total of NOK 187 million.