The value of exports of Norwegian salmon in September totalled NOK 3.5 billion.This is an increase of NOK 232 million, or 7 per cent, compared to the same period last year.To date, total exports of salmon have totalled NOK 31.9 billion.This is an increase of NOK 4.7 million, or 17 per cent, compared to last September.

“In spite of the fact that Norwegian salmon has been banned from the Russian market the last two months, the total value of exports is increasing.Demand continues to increase and we see an increase in both the export volume and the price of salmon,” says Paul T. Aandahl, Branch Manager for Salmon and Trout at the Norwegian Seafood Council.

Measured in product weight, exports of Norwegian salmon totalled 91,000 tonnes in September. This is almost the same volume as September of last year. To date, Norwegian salmon exports have totalled 725,000 tonnes, an increase of 9 per cent compared to the same period last year.  

Strong salmon price thus far this year

Compared with the export price last September, the average price for fresh whole Norwegian salmon was up 4 per cent in September to NOK3 34.85 per kilo. To date, the average export price for fresh whole Norwegian salmon was NOK 42.15 per kilo, up NOK 3.14 compared to the same period last year.

Export share to EU up

The value of exports of Norwegian salmon to the EU in September totalled NOK 2.5 billion, an increase of 15 per cent compared to last September. To date, total exports of salmon to the EU have totalled NOK 21.7 billion. This is an increase of 19 per cent compared to last September.

Measured in product weight, exports of Norwegian salmon to the EU to date totalled 511,000 tonnes. This is an increase of 12 per cent compared to the same period last year. Measured in volume, exports to the EU totalled just over 70 per cent of total exports of Norwegian salmon thus far this year. The biggest markets for Norwegian salmon, both thus far this year and in September, are Poland and France.

Exports to Eastern Europe down

The value of exports of Norwegian salmon to Eastern Europe in September totalled NOK 177 billion, a decrease of 56 per cent compared to last September. To date, total exports of salmon to Eastern Europe have totalled NOK 3.2 billion. This is a decrease of 16 per cent compared to the same period last year. Measured in volume, this is a decrease of 22 per cent, or 22,000 tonnes, to a total of 79,000 tonnes.

This decrease is mainly due to the Russian import ban and reduced supply to the Ukrainian market.

Exports to Asia and the U.S. up

The value of exports of Norwegian salmon to Asia in September totalled NOK 581 billion. This is an increase of 10 per cent compared to the same period last year.

To date, total exports of Norwegian salmon to Asia have totalled NOK 4.7 billion. This is an increase of 22 per cent compared to the same period last year. This growth was driven by a volume increase of 14 per cent, to a total of 101,000 tonnes thus far this year.

The value of exports of Norwegian salmon to the U.S. in September totalled NOK 148 billion. This is an increase of 19 per cent compared to the same period last year. To date, total exports of Norwegian salmon to the U.S. have totalled NOK 1.35 billion. This is an increase of 98 per cent compared to the same period last year. Measured in product weight, the total value of exports of Norwegian salmon was up 75 per cent, to a total of 20,000 tonnes.  

Trout exports continue to grow

The value of exports of Norwegian fjord trout in September totalled NOK 207 billion. This is an increase of NOK 8 million, or 4 per cent, compared to the same period last year. To date, total exports of fjord trout have totalled NOK 1.8 billion. This is an increase of NOK 139 million, or 8 per cent, compared to the same period last year.